Legends Rising > County Laws > Officer Training Notes

Officer Training Notes

Trainer Basic Notes

  1. Requesting Observation and Graduation Requirements:
  2. - To request an observation trainee lawmen should formally contact their supervisor or training coordinator, detailing the preferred date, time, and purpose
  3. - Graduating from training necessitates meeting specific requirements, which include creating a training report

2. Training Report and Format:

- trainee lawmen must generate a training report for credit.

- Utilize the provided template and ensure it's completed thoroughly, following the designated format.

Trainer Basic Notes II

  1. Badges and Operational Procedures:
  2. - Explanation of badges and their significance in law enforcement
  3. - Clarification on how to go on and off duty, including the necessary protocols and procedures

2. Priority Calls and Active Call Outs:

- Differentiation and handling of priority calls, including backup, bank, fort, general store, wagons, regular alerts, and drug sales.

- Guidance on what to communicate upon arriving at a scene and to whom, ensuring effective response and coordination.

3. Evidence Handling and Protocols:

- Explanation of what items can be placed in evidence lockers and the regulations regarding access and retrieval.

- Consequences for misuse or theft of evidence and maintaining integrity in handling.

4. On and Off Duty Conduct:

- Standards and expectations of behavior while on and off duty, emphasizing prohibited actions that can jeopardize one's career, such as involvement in crimes or association with criminal elements.

5. Professionalism and Respect:

- Guidelines on maintaining professionalism in interactions while on duty and the importance of respectful treatment, even towards individuals suspected of crimes.

6. Contraband Sales and Legal Procedures:

- Procedures for apprehending individuals suspected of contraband sales, emphasizing the necessity of firsthand observation and evidence for detention and charging.

Trainer Notes III

  1. De-escalation Techniques:
  2. - Importance of maintaining composure and assessing the situation before engaging verbally
  3. Maintaining Calmness:
  4. - Avoidance of entering situations with heightened emotions, emphasizing the need for a composed demeanor

3. Effective Communication:

- Awareness of tone, language, and body language to convey a calming presence and avoid escalating tensions.

4. Prioritizing Safety:

- Advocacy for separation as the primary tactic when faced with a potentially volatile situation to ensure safety for all parties involved.

5. Adaptability in Communication:

- Recognition of the importance of tailoring communication techniques to suit the audience and context, facilitating conflict resolution and de-escalation.

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Officer Training Notes